Sunday, October 16, 2011

A 9-Month Review of 2011: 10-16-11

Has 2011 been a good year? Yeah... for Razzie Pickings. I already have a list of nominees...
Worst Picture: 
Other Nominees:
-Father of Invention
-Bucky Larson
-Season of the Witch
-Jack and Jill
Other Contenders:
-The Roommate
-Green Lantern
-Dream House


Fortunately, I haven't seen any of the above. But what I did see has been rather friendly-
Source Code (3/4 Stars)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (3.5/4 Stars)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 (3.5 Stars/4)
The Tree of Life (4/4 Stars)
Rango (3/4 Stars)
Drive (3/4 Stars)
Midnight in Paris (3.5 Stars/4)
The Ides of March (3.5 Stars/4)

I really didn't see too many new releases, but more so a recap of the past 25 years. A few months ago, I saw Taxi Driver. Now it's my 7th favorite film ever. I also saw my #1 and #2's, which is Raging Bull and Goodfellas, respectively.

OSCAR TALK: I am big on Oscar talk. I am so psyched to see The Artist, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. (After all, I just finished the book the other day,). What has been greatly upsetting me is the rank on The Tree of Life. If you've been reading my total 3 posts, you probably know I am quite passionate about the film, and it's my favorite of the year so far. (Midnight in Paris takes a close 2nd.) On blogs like indieWIRE, the film's rank just keeps on falling down, and down, and down...

About The Help. People say it's going to get nominated, but I highly doubt it. Just because stay at home moms took their 7-year old daughters out to see it doesn't really mean that much. The thing is, the audience can't vote. Unfortunately. And I highly doubt 5% of people are going to put it at #1. But the cast CAN campaign. With the Academy, anything goes. (After all, Crash won in '05, AND The Blind Side was nominated in '09). Also, I haven't seen it yet. My theory has been chucked out the window.

That's why films like The Artist and The Tree of Life have the upper hand. Their innovative styles can promise some #1 spots. I'm also quite happy that Fox Searchlight will campaign The Tree of Life by giving Academy voters the Blu-ray. (Which I NEED!).

Midnight in Paris. Even though it is one of my favorite movies this year, I don't think it deserves a spot on the elusive Best Picture list. Instead, I would like to see it be nominated and possibly win Best Original Screenplay.

What's my opinion in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? I would like to see it be nominated, but it has a much better chance of a Best Picture shoo-in at the BAFTA's. Which is a-OK by me.

On my seen this year list, I put down Drive. I was expecting a big Oscar hopeful, and I got it. Not really, but more so a little Oscar hopeful. I would like to see Gosling, Brooks, the sound, and the soundtrack nominated. Other then that, it doesn't have that much going for it. I really didn't care too much for the last half, and the female characters. (I'm not sexist, I just didn't think that they were really fleshed out. Especially Carey Mulligan's character. She was used more as an object between Driver and Standard's character. Same with Christina Hendrick's character. She had a 10-minute cameo and she died. Why did she get a higher billing then Ron Perlman and Albert Brooks? Who knows, but I really dug the pink font on the posters.)

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