Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oscars 2012: Eddie Murphy, Brett Ratner, and The Muppets.

Producing the Oscars...
a chance of a lifetime.
Was Brett Ratner the best choice? Recently, Oscar telecast producer Brett Ratner has stepped down. I bet he's been under stress, after claiming he's had sex with Olivia Munn, and claimed that "rehearsing is for fags". He might not have been the best director/producer (Tower Heist) ever, but against Eddie Murphy, he was the right choice. Oh well. Did I mention he had a homophobic slur that included the f*** word?

UPDATE: After pal Brett stepped down as producer, Eddie Murphy has stepped down as host. I've never been a big fan of the guy, but I don't have an opinion on it. But hey Letterman! They have a spot ready for you!

Brian Grazer has now been chosen as the new producer. Also, there was a brand new Twitter revolution. Who better to host the Oscars than The Muppets! I liked the idea quite a bit, but it might get old fast, I don't know how entertaing The Muppets could be for 3 and a half hours. Hey, but their movie looks good, right?

Billy Crystal is hosting. Again! For the bajillionth time! Yay....?

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