Sunday, November 13, 2011

The best films from 2000-2009: Happy belated end-of-decade!

I was unable to see J. Edgar over the weekend, due to Finals. Now I highly doubt I'll ever see it, due to The Descendants, The Muppets, Hugo, and The Artist all coming out within the next 2 weeks. Instead, I made a top 15 films from the past decade, because... I really don't know why...

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. There Will Be Blood
3. Juno
4. The Hurt Locker
5. Up in the Air
6. The Departed
7. Million Dollar Baby
8. Lost in Translation
9. Up
10. Atonement
11. Avatar
12. Little Miss Sunshine
13. Borat
14. Slumdog Millionaire
15. Ratatouille 

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