Sunday, November 6, 2011

The fall of J. Edgar: Just like in real life!

It is Sunday. The best day in the whole year. Why? Extra hour of sleep from daylight savings!

But, My Oscar ballot had to let go of Clint Eastwood.

His new film, J. Edgar, currently holds a 44% on Rotten Tomatoes. Only 9 people have commented on the movie, and the tomato-meter can drastically change.

3 weeks ago, Anonymous, held a mighty 100%. Currently, it has a 45%. In the beginning, Winnie-the-Pooh had a 70%, but now has a derserving 91%. I hope the same happens for J. Edgar.

Now my Oscar ballot will include Reitman's Young Adult. The Tree of Life will also go up a notch on the indieWire prediction chart, so that will be good, too.

As for the AFI fest. So far, the true trash-to-treasure (not really trash in the first place,) is Martin Scorsese's Hugo. Current reviews praise the 3D effects and its ode to classic cinema. Keep track for my review on Hugo, J. Edgar, The Artist, and possibly The Descendants in the coming weeks.

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